6 Cutting Edge Trends of Customer Service Software

6 Cutting Edge Trends of Customer Service Software

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For companies who want to remain competitive and continue tracking consumers, it is important to understand the most recent trends in customer service software and utilize software that helps to achieve these goals.

Customer service software is developing at a fast pace to help companies offer the service that consumers deserve. A large number of companies are discovering that the most current features in customer service software is offering them the ability to excel at offering customer service solutions.

This article lists 6 of the key ways in which customer service software is helping to improve consumer interactions and ultimately drive business growth.

Trend # 1 – Live Chat

Live chat has increasingly become a staple of customer service software. Most consumers now expect companies to make this feature available. Statistics reveal that 42% of consumers even prefer live chat options because they are often available to avoid long wait times.

One of the several reasons why consumers favor self-service is that an increasing number of customers prefer self-service options, which let consumers discover their own methods for solving problems on their own time. Amazon is just one of the companies that have taken advantage of consumer preference for self-service. Amazon Go utilizes a store without checkout that uses customer service software to monitor when a consumer takes a product from or returns an item to the Amazon company shelves.

Companies favor live chat as well because it helps to increase efficiency by allowing customer issues to resolve more quickly. As a result, companies are required to spend less time on customer issues and consequently reduce operating costs.

No matter what the company is utilizing live chat, as the graph below illustrates, the process tends to include the same steps: a consumer asks a question, the live chat agent handles the problem, and the agent either solves this problem or elevates the problem so that the issue can be solved by other staff.

Netflix is just one of the companies that offer a live chat feature. The agents in these live chats are often able to resolve an issue more quickly than if a consumer had just called the company.

Another one of the companies that is using live chat features in an interesting way is SnapEngage. The company sends live automated chat messages to any website visitor who arrives at a 404-page error while visiting the SnapEngage website. This program lets companies find quick answers to problems without any additional energy required from SnapEngage employees.

Trend # 2 – Multiple Channel Coverage

Much like live chat, multiple channel coverage is another feature of customer service software that consumers have come to expect. By connecting all digital channels across the same platform, consumers are able to decide how to interact with a company. Aberdeen Group Incorporated has even reported that companies who utilize multi-channel support maintain an 89% satisfaction rating with consumers while companies that utilize a weaker multiple channel approach maintain a 33% satisfaction rate. The graph below provides a basic understanding of the three elements that comprise Omni or multiple channel support.

Consumers like multiple channel support because it is an easier way to solve problems. Companies also favor multiple channel coverage because customer service agents are able to respond to a large number of customer questions because customer service software makes it easier to switch channels.

Apple offers numerous methods for consumers to obtain help. These options include live chat, phone calls, or email. There is even an option for Apple customers to find a nearby physical store location where an employee can provide assistance.

Trend # 3 – Advanced Reporting Options

Nearly all cutting-edge customer service software includes advanced reporting features to measure consumer engagement. By better understanding more about what customers want, companies are able to better understand what consumers want.

One of the goals that being able to analyze and respond to data helps clients with is responding to consumers in the quickest amount of time possible. As the graph below illustrates, consumers have little patience in waiting for replies from companies.

In addition to better serving consumers, companies also benefit from advanced reporting because they are able to operate in a more efficient manner. This reporting feature also helps companies to better adapt to the needs of consumers. Most companies who are receiving the maximum from customer service reports find it essential to include the following metrics:

  • – Average Response Time. This detail is important for companies to determine how satisfied consumers are. The metric measures how long customers must wait before an employee of the company responds to their problem. Companies should always strive to resolve problems faced by consumers in a shorter amount of time.
  • – Average Time to Solve a Customer’s Problems. The time that it takes to resolve a consumer’s problem can be much longer if a company’s employees are not properly trained on how to solve issues. By paying attention to this detail, companies are able to make sure that consumers receive prompt answers.
  • – Customer Service Requests Received Daily. This information is used by companies to determine when to most heavily book staff. By anticipating when the company will receive a high influx of consumers, companies can greatly decrease the risk that poor customer service is provided.
  • – The Number of Consumer Requests That Are Closed Each Day. It is very important for companies to chart the progress made each day in resolving the numerous consumer requests that arise. This information can help companies determine how successful various departments within the company are.
  • – The Number of Consumer. Many companies find it beneficial to analyze the number of requests made by consumers in each thirty-day period. Analysis of these details helps companies to notice trends and common problems faced by consumers.

Trend # 4 – Customer Relationship Management Software

An increasing number of companies are discovering that their representatives are able to use customer relationship management software to better maintain and use information. Without the details that are cased in these programs, companies would lack a large number of important details for consumers and important solutions. The graph below shows the various elements that companies are able to control through the use of customer management software.

A large number of successful companies have discovered that customer relationship management software helps control a large number of features involved in a company’s operation. One example is Activision. For several decades, Activision has been one of the leading publishers of video games. The company utilizes a new customer service program to monitor social media conversations that the company determines are relevant to its products. Activision then follows up on these conversations. Utilizing customer relationship management software in such a way has allowed Activision to reduce costs while increasing customer satisfaction.

Another company that uses a unique form of customer relationship management software is Wells Fargo, which is one of the largest banks in the United States. The company’s customer relationship management software lets Wells Fargo remain in contact with customers who request services from the company. Wells Fargo also uses customer relationship management software to make sure that consumers receive quick answers to whatever their problem is.

Trend # 5 – Intelligent Routing

Companies are able to operate in a much more efficient manner when they are able to route issues to the particular part of the company that hands that exact challenge.

This is beneficial to consumers because they are able to be connected to the best possible agent to solve their problems. Companies also benefit from intelligent routing because they avoid employees who might be better at solving one problem by working on resolving another issue instead. As the graph below illustrates, there are several other reasons why companies prefer intelligent routing.

In short, intelligent routing helps companies to operate in a more efficient manner which saves money for the company and increases consumer satisfaction levels.

Trend # 6 – Social Media as a Customer Service Tool

Many companies have discovered that social media can be harnessed as a tool to foster and improve customer relationships. Salesforce also reports, however, that 75% of consumers experience a consistent experience on any platform offered by a company including social media. As the graph below illustrates, it is best to think of social media as the most current development in how companies provide customer support rather than a complete change to this program.

One of the most advantageous elements of social media support is that a large number of companies find that social media tools allow them to have a large number of one on one interactions with consumers. Some companies like Target and Walmart respond to a large number of people who use their social media.

Companies have also discovered that social media allows more companies to interact with consumers. In 2011, Morton’s Steakhouse surprised a person at Newark Airport with a full steak meal. This event went viral which meant that a large number of new people gained a favorable perspective of Morton’s Steakhouse, which helped interest a large number of new consumers in the place.

By treating social media as an important tool, a large number of companies are able to help consumers at any time of the day when problems are encountered with a product. A large number of companies have become so good at using it that they are able to respond to a post within a few hours after the original post is made.

A Method for Fueling Company Growth

Cutting-edge customer service software lets companies develop long-term relationships with consumers based on trust and in turn increase the size of the business and its profits. Unifying communication channels, offering self-service options, analyzing data more closely, and directing consumers to the correct company representative are all particularly helpful features fueled by current customer service software that helps to establish these relationships. As consumers become smart and more self-reliant, it is more important than ever that companies establish good relationships with their sales base to not just grow but also to thrive.

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